Would you believe it if I said it is the norm to celebrate Diwali twice a week to lead a healthy and long life? Yes, you read that right. Here, I do not imply the bright lights,finger-licking sweets, or extravagant food that the festival encompasses. Indeed, I want to talk about the invaluable tradition passed on through generations, which is the ‘Deepavali Oil Bath’. It is done first thing in the morning of the festival, and it is considered a crucial step. This procedure is enjoyed by many all over India. And the benefits are reaped accordingly as we realize that this practice holds an age-old hidden medicinal importance and it is the vital key to the healthiest life that one has always desired. Now let’s dig deep into it.

What exactly is an oil bath?
Simply put, it is the application of plain or herb-infused Sesame Oil all over the body, starting from the tip of the head to the toes, after which a bath is taken. In Ayurveda, this custom is termed as Abhyanga Gnana, and in South India, it is widely known as Yennai Kuliyal. The oils of Sesame or Gingelly are best suited for this, as they possess the property of penetrating deep into the body and balancing the doshas.

When is the right time to take an oil bath?
Now this is the tricky part. Usually, Sundays are set aside for leisure, and people prefer to take oil baths on this day. But it is advised to follow this tradition on specific days of the week, different for men and women. This is how we can maximize the goodness of the benefits that result from this particular practice. The oil bath is strictly recommended for,

  • A woman on the days of Tuesday and Friday
  • A man on the days of Saturday and Wednesday

This is because each day constituting the week is ruled by distinct planets. Consequently, it indicates that every day of the week has different properties. For instance, Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays are ruled by Sun, Moon, and Jupiter respectively. Hence, they are satvic in nature. Likewise, Wednesdays and Saturdays are ruled by Mars and Saturn, correspondingly. Therefore, these are tamsic in nature. Finally, Fridays and Tuesdays are ruled by Venus making them rajasic in nature. This oil bath brings down the body temperature and as a result, cools it. So, it is strongly advised to not undertake this bath on a Satvic day as it is naturally cooler in comparison with the other days. And that’s why, one designated tamsic day and one rajasic day are set aside separately for both men and women. Now let’s move on to the next important question.

How do I take an oil bath?

  • Take the required quantity of herb-treated Sesame or Gingelly oil. In order to prepare the oil, we heat it with certain herbs. Out of these herbs, the preferred and most popular one is black pepper.
  • Now, when the oil is at a lukewarm temperature, one must apply it all over the body, from the tip of the hair to the soles, by which time the whole body should be covered with oil.
  • After this, one should expose themselves to slight sunlight with minimal clothing, and the timing is recommended to be between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m.
  • Allow the oil at least 30 to 60 minutes to penetrate into the body.
  • At last, wash your body with lukewarm water and use ‘Arapu Powder’ or bathing powder to bathe/cleanse.
  • After bathing, it is highly beneficial to consume 1 tablespoon of normal Sesame oil on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Now, you might wonder what amazing health outcomes you will benefit from. Let’s look into that.

What are the health benefits?

When we adopt the use of the incredible Sesame oil treated with herbs, it penetrates a lot deeper into the skin tissues while effectively balancing the doshas in the human body. This is extremely essential in treating the below-mentioned conditions.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

Sesame oil is abundantly rich in useful vitamins and minerals, and to top it off, it also possesses the best anti-inflammatory properties. By virtue of this property, arthritic pain and swelling are reduced to a great degree.

  • Blood Pressure

Since Sesame oil is edible, ingesting it brings down lipid peroxidation, enhances antioxidant status, and, in consequence, lowers blood pressure.

  • Hairfall

An oil bath streamlines and uplifts the body’s blood circulation to the head, and it completely eliminates excess heat. Therefore, it promotes healthy hair growth.

  • Anxiety and Stress

A good old oil bath is any day one of the excellent choices to relax after a stressful day, all the while pampering yourself with the rich nutrients offered by the oil. The state of blissful rest can be attained as it promotes blood circulation and deters stress hormones.

  • Insomnia

To take note of the previously mentioned point, the end result of reducing stress and anxiety with the help of an oil bath encourages a night of peaceful and sound sleep.

Complications to be noted

  • It is not advisable to take an oil bath on a rainy, cloudy, or gloomy day. A bright, sunnyday is recommended for this procedure.
  • On the day of the oil bath, daytime naps should be avoided.
  • This procedure is not recommended for pregnant or lactating mothers.

Now, let’s have another peek at the additional goodness that this adds to our lives.

  • Constipation

Regularly incorporating Oil Baths into your routine gradually but effectively alleviates constipation by enhancing the peristaltic movement, thereby paving the way for a smooth passage of the feces in the Large Intestine.

  • Hormonal Imbalance

The homeostasis balance of the endocrine glands is maintained consistently. This, in turn, minimizes the hormonal imbalance present in the body.

  • Dehydrated Skin

Application of Gingelly Oil upon the body is a proven remedy to boost collagen production, which is the key component to keeping the skin hydrated and youthful.

  • Infertility & Impotency

Taking an oil bath is known to fundamentally enrich the blood supply, thus enabling it to reach all the pelvic organs, predominantly the genitals. This makes it possible to have an easy pregnancy and a normal delivery.

  • Nadis & Chakras

From a yogic point of view, all the 7 chakras entailing a human body are cleansed after an oil bath.

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