The field of Naturopathic Intervention always adopts a holistic approach by providing treatments for the mind, body and social health. The first and foremost step constituting the procedure is Internal Cleansing. This crucial course of action cleanses and detoxifies the whole body which in turn conditions it to be ready for the preliminary stage of healing process that comes after. This Cleansing process is addressed as Shatkarmas, derived from the words ‘Shat’ which means ‘six’, and ‘Karma’, in the sense, ‘action’; it’s interesting to know that ‘ShatKarmas’ incorporates 6 groups of purification procedures. These are enlisted as follows:

  1. Neti – A process implemented for the cleansing and purification of nasal passages. The practices that constitute this are,
    ❖ Jala Neti
    ❖ Sutra Neti
  2. Dhauti – This age-old technique is used to cleanse the entire alimentary canal starting from the mouth to the anus. It encompasses four procedures,
    ❖ Shankhaprakshalana – extreme cleansing of the intestines
    ❖ Agnisar Kriya – activating the digestive fire
    ❖ Kunjal – cleaning of the stomach using water
    ❖ Vatsara Dhauti – Intestine Cleansing with the help of air
  3. Nauli – a method that embraces the techniques of massage to adequately strengthen the abdominal organs.
  4. Basti – a procedure focussed on the washing and toning of the large intestines
  5. Kapalbhati – an effective breathing technique that completely purifies the frontal region of the brain.
  6. Trataka – This procedure adopts Intense gazing at a single point or an object. The power of concentration increases by multiple folds after this.

Benefits of practicing Shatkarma:

  • Shatkarmas or Shatkriya brings a homeostatic and harmonic balance within the three doshas, namely, Kalpha, Vata and Pitta.
  • This procedure is extremely efficient in the detoxification and purification of the human body.
  • This bodily cleansing paves the way for one to attain deep devotion and spiritual enlightenment.

Now, read more to understand the intricate details of the treatment.


  • Firstly, a special ‘Neti Lota’ or ‘Neti Pot’ is filled to the brim with a salt water preparation.
  • Then, you are required to stand with your legs apart in order for the body weight to be equally distributed between both the feet.
  • Now, one is supposed to lean forward and tilt the head to the side and breathe only using the mouth.
  • Next step is to gently insert the nozzle into the uppermost nostril and tilt the Neti Pot in a careful manner so that the water runs into the nostrils and not down the face.
  • While doing this, keep your mouth wide open and begin to pour the water down through one of the nostrils. You will see that the water drains out through the other nostril.
  • Once the water in the Neti pot is fully emptied, the lota is filled with salt water again and the same procedure is carried out again. The only difference is that the preparation is poured down the other nostril.
  • After the completion of the procedure, the water must be thoroughly dried out without leaving behind an ounce. While doing this, one should bend forward with their legs apart and exhale forcefully.

Duration Recommended – The procedure should be undertaken once or twice a week for a
duration of 15 minutes.


  • Jala Neti efficiently removes mucus and pollution from the nasal passages and sinuses
  • It aids in managing and preventing infections with respect to the respiratory tract.
  • It also supplements good health of the eyes, ears and throat.
  • Muscular tension of the face is relieved resulting in a fresh and youthful appearance.
  • This practice produces a calming and soothing effect on the brain.
  • Anxiety, anger and depression are alleviated to a great extent.


  • Cold
  • Flu and
  • Sinusitis

Are you excited to know more about the next crucial step?

(Regenerative Cleansing)


Combine 2 litres of lukewarm water for each person and add 1 teaspoon of salt per litre according to taste.


  • A minimum of 6 glasses of the prepared water is to be consumed, one after the other as swiftly as possible until the stomach is incapable of holding more.
  • The maximum capacity of the stomach is indicated by the urge to vomit.
  • When one feels this, it is advised to lean forward, open the mouth and place the Index finger of the right hand as deep into the mouth and on the tongue as much as possible. While doing this, gently rub and press the back of the tongue.
  • The water will now gush to the mouth from the stomach.
  • During the expulsion of water, the fingers can be removed from the mouth.
  • Repeat this until the stomach is completely empty.


  • Vaman Dhauti stimulates all the abdominal organs by inducing strong muscular contraction in the walls of the stomach.
  • Excess mucus is discarded thereby promoting better functioning of the respiratory organs.
  • This procedure also releases and subsides pent-up emotions and relieves emotional blockages.


  • Hernia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease and Stroke
  • Acute Peptic ulcer
  • Diabetes concerning the eyes
  • Pregnancy complications

Eye exercises ? Here we come.

(Concentrated Gazing)


  • Start by lighting a candle and placing it on a table that levels the candle-light with your eye, when you are seated. Make sure to be seated in a comfortable meditative asana all the while keeping the head and the spine erect.
  • Close your eyes and relax the whole body, especially the eyes.
  • After a few seconds, open your eyes slowly and shift your gaze steadily to the burning flame of the candle.
  • Try not to blink or move your eyeballs in any possible way. But take caution to not put too much strain on the eyes as this will cause tension and make them flicker.
  • Complete concentration should be channeled on your gaze toward the flame so much so that you lose awareness of your body.
  • Let a minute or two pass. When the eyes become tired or brim with water, that’s the cue to close your eyes gently.
  • Now, gaze at the after-image of the flame that appears when your eye-lids are closed. Just when the figure starts to fade, make an attempt to bring it back and hold on to it.
  • When the image can no longer be retained, gently open your eyes and look fixedly at the flame once again.
  • Repeat the same procedure 3 or 4 times.


  • Beginners – Process should be carried out for 1 to 2 minutes only
  • General Purpose – It should remain for about 5 to 10 minutes
  • Insomnia, Stress and Mental Tension – The gaze should be held for 10 to 15 minutes


  • Drastic improvisation and clarity in vision.
  • Balanced nervous system as a result of relieving and relaxing nervous tension.
  • Improved memory and impeccable concentration.
  • Relief from Insomnia.


  • Glaucoma
  • Epileptics

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